Tip of the week #016: Go-to class names

Naming things is hard, but when I create components I usually go for the same class names.

Here are some of the names I use for different parts of a website.

PS: I use BEM as a naming convention, so bear in mind that these names are also used as elements, not only as blocks.

Global components

  • header
  • footer
  • site-header
  • site-footer
  • breadcrumbs
  • site
  • app


  • main-nav
  • nav
  • navigation
  • menu
  • menu-toggle
  • main-menu
  • mobile-menu
  • dropdown-menu
  • some-menu (social media)
  • site-nav
  • tool-menu

As long as the navigation component is some kind of menu I like to suffix it with menu

Links and buttons

I like to differentiate between buttons (clickable element that performs an action) and links that looks like buttons (anchors styled as a box).

  • [type]-link (e.g. inline-text-link, more-link, navigation-link)
  • [type]-button (e.g. save-button, cancel-button, menu-button)
  • link-button
  • button
  • btn (I will try not to use this anymore, I'm not a fan of shortening already short words)
  • toggle (for buttons that turn something on/off, opens/closes etc.)
  • [type]-toggle (e.g. menu-toggle)


For hidden elements with open/close mechanisms:

  • accordion
  • panel
  • dialog
  • modal
  • iceberg (e.g. accordions that show some of the content with a "show more"-button. You know, like the "tip of an iceberg")

For collections, e.g. containing posts, products, projects etc.:

  • [item-type]-list
  • [item-type]-cards
  • [item-type]-grid (I'm a bit careful with using the word "grid", as it may be weird to use on a component that may not look like a grid on all screens, for instance a collection of products that looks like a grid on large screens, but like a vertical list on smaller screens)
  • projects
  • posts
  • articles

For items in a list or collection, e.g. posts, products, projects etc.:

  • [item-type]-teaser
  • [item-type]-preview
  • [item-type]-card

Other components:

  • badge
  • tag
  • avatar
  • logo
  • tabs
  • tab
  • table

Forms and inputs

  • field
  • radios
  • checkboxes
  • dropdown
  • select
  • [type-of-form]-form (e.g. contact-form, checkout-form)

Text and content

These are usually just part of components and rarely blocks themselves.

  • header
  • subtitle
  • title
  • eyebrow (a small line of text that is placed above a title or heading. It looks like an eyebrow, doesn't it?)
  • tagline
  • label
  • body
  • content
  • intro
  • leading
  • footer


Most layouts or templates contain one-offs; sections and parts that are not used much elsewhere. In those cases I tend to prefix the class with both l- and the name of the template, like so:

  • l-frontpage
  • l-subpage
  • l-landingpage
  • l-archive

I use these as blocks and apply parts as elements, e.g.:

  • l-frontpage__hero-section
  • l-subpage__breadcrumbs (a wrapper for breadcrumbs on the layout used for subpages)
  • l-subpage__main
  • l-landingpage__banner

And so on.


I usually create some utility classes that I can use as supplements to other components, that I prefix with u-. I've written more about it here. These vary from project to project, but one I always use is this:

  • u-visually-hidden (as class that hides something from view, but keeps it in the DOM for screen readers and search engines to access)