My issues with shorthand properties
The removal of CSS shorthand properties would benefit us all.
Designer who codes, or vice versa.
Sometimes I draw boxes. Other times I create boxes. Occasionally I even write about boxes.
Currently creating and repairing boxes at Knowit Experience
The removal of CSS shorthand properties would benefit us all.
I've so far read 27 books this year. Here's a recap of my favorites.
A write-up of how you can create a JS-like scroll-effect with only CSS and the magic of sticky positioning.
11ty (Eleventy) has served me well, but I wanted to try something new. Over the last week I've converted this website from 11ty to Astro.
Safari ruins a well-known CSS snippet for everybody, but here's how you can fix it.
Naming CSS classes is hard. The naming convention BEM is suppose to ease the pain, but if you're still struggling chances are you're not using it right.
A quick breakdown of how I reset the browser's default styling before I start writing my first lines of CSS.
I created a Codepen profile to experiment with different snippets of code for a school project. Now, 8 years later it has reached 3500 followers and the pens have generated over 1 million views combined.